Bright Lights Swiss Chard Plant Starts



The gold standard for multicolored Swiss chard. Lightly savoyed green or bronze leaves with stems of gold, pink, orange, purple, red, and white with bright and pastel variations. Consistent growth rate and strong bolt resistance across all colors makes this a superior mix. Direct seed or transplant to allow separating out the individual colors. Suitable for production year round, but somewhat less frost hardy than normal for chard. The late New Zealand amateur breeder John Eaton developed Bright Lights; our seed supplier selects and maintains the different color stocks and produces the seeds.

Soil pH should be over 6.0. Cool and mild weather is preferred, though chard has some heat tolerance. Seedlings will tolerate light frosts, and mature plants are hardy to moderate frosts. It may overwinter in mild areas.

Plant 4" apart in rows 12–18" apart.

Clip mature leaves individually for home garden or for bunching for market. New leaves will grow multiple harvests. For baby leaf, clip young plants just above the soil. Multiple harvests are possible because the plants will grow new stems and leaves.

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